The Marereni School: mission accomplished!

La Scuola di Marereni: missione compiuta!

Guaranteeing direct access to drinking water, among the many advantages, certainly entails that of having removed women and children from unsafe and distant sources of water, where even wild animals drink, and of having allowed the children of the village to be able to attend. school more assiduously, not having to spend their time looking for and bringing home water.

After the well project in the village of Mbarakachembe, which ended in April 2019, thanks to the collaboration of SACE SIMEST - a company of the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Group specialized in supporting Italian companies that want to grow in the global market - another project was completed. : the cistern at the Marereni school.

SACE SIMEST began by joining the Zero Plastic project of the CDP group in order to eliminate the plastic used in its offices. The initiative aims to provide all employees with a steel water bottle and led the company to choose WAMI, so as to combine the environmental and social objectives. In fact, with the purchase of over 1000 water bottles, SACE SIMEST contributes to the construction of the tank, thus giving access to drinking water to more than 1000 children.

The goal that led to the construction of the cistern at the Marereni school is to create a healthy place where children can peacefully study and build their future, thus reducing the chances of getting sick and increasing their ability to concentrate and learn. .

More than 1000 children and about 30 teachers will have direct access to drinking water. The tank has a capacity of 16,000 liters of water; which means a daily water supply of about 2,500 liters, thus guaranteeing 2.5 liters of water for drinking and other purposes for every child and teacher.