Sources of the future: mission accomplished!

Fonti di futuro: missione compiuta!


The last connections of the project were also successfully completed in May Sources of the Future, dedicated to the 2 villages of Djiva And Falmere. Djiva has 15 families, for a total of 101 inhabitants reached, while Falmere counts 42, for 406 inhabitants reached. The project was carried out by WAMI in collaboration with Cooperative Weaving and supported by AATO, ANEA, SICAM And Tea Waters.


The family of Moufaly Badji it is very numerous: it lives in fact with the children, the 2 wives and their sisters. Everyone does a bit of everything, alternating their time between I work in the fields, the education of children and the house management. We can really say that there is no lack of movement in their home!