About Ethiopia’s water project

Today in Ethiopia 43% of the population still has no access to clean water.The project, carried out in collaboration with Amref, involves building an environmentally sustainable borehole in the Gambella...
Today in Ethiopia 43% of the population still has no access to clean water.The project, carried out in collaboration with Amref, involves building an environmentally sustainable borehole in the Gambella...
Last September we completed the water project that now brings drinking water to the Northern district of Bonga in Ethiopia.28 families, for a total of 134 people, will have access...
Ecuador’s relationship with water is very particular.In fact, in the country, as in the rest of Latin America, there is a high availability of water resources, if we compare the...
The works on the water project that brings drinking water to the communities of Norwood, in Sri Lanka, have been completed!The aqueduct was built with a gravity system and is...
Ad oggi i progetti completati da WAMI sono più di 50, e grazie a questi ben 15,000 persone hanno ricevuto diretto accesso all’acqua potabile, per sempre. Ma come viene strutturato più precisamente...
Le femmes relais sono delle donne del villaggio che vengono istruite da delle professionalità esperte in norme igienico-sanitarie sul corretto utilizzo non solo dei rubinetti, ma dell’acqua stessa, per far...
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